Despite our prices there is no question of compromising quality - our designs have no equals in the area. If you are looking for a stylish web site for your company to present itself to the world then EDGE is most definitely a company you should be talking to.

Prices for individual web sites start at £750 + VAT
Sites for this price will be compact but fully functioning including a form mail for customers etc. to register their interest in your product or service.*

Please use the form on the contact page for enquires about larger websites.

Larger sites are not a problem 3000 pages is not unheard of. Most clients choose around 30 - 40 pages (£1500 - £2000), keeping the price to a very reasonable level but giving their company an impressive presence on the web.

For those interested in having 1 or 2 pages on the Internet prices start at £50 + VAT per year.

* Note you will need email to receive this service. EDGE can also train individuals or members of staff on how to use this most useful of technologies. Please use our contact page to send us any enquiry you may have.


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