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The trail is marked in cobblestone with exhibition or filming sites numbered on the map. All around the walk you will see the Mr Bumble logo and numbers which relate to the key below.

1. G. Smythe Provisions - Country Kichen 2. Maritime Hotel - Victoria Inn 3. Post Office - Alston Post Office 4. A Dickensian Shop - Antique Shop 5. Angel Vaults - Simon Danby Photography 6. Sowerberry's Funeral Parlour - Alston Clock Shop
7. Sailmakers - Alston Fish & Chips 8. Blackstocks - Blackstocks Butchers 9. Bakers Shop - Globe House 10. Shiptons Dairy - Blue Bric-a-Brac Shop 11. Vegetable Shop - Hi Pennine Outdoor Shop 12. George Inn - Blueberry's Tea Shop 13. Saddlery and Harness - HSBC 14. Custom House - Co-op Lateshop 15. A Dickensian Shop - Bunches & Baskets 16. Rickett and Sons - Turks Head 17. Greenwood and Sons - Alston Library 18. Tea & Coffee Merchants - King Arthurs 19. Mr. Bumble's & Workhouse Yard - Pinehaven & cobbled square 20. The Baytons  Family's Room - Old stone building 21. Oliver Runs Away - Corner of King's Arms Lane 22. Graveyard - St. Augustine's Churchyard 23. Anchor Inn - Old café with steps 24. Cobbled Market - Alston Market Place.

text copyright © Alston Moor Business Association
images copyright © Simon Danby